Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ben: Living LARGE and On Purpose

Recently, I asked a group of State of Slimmers to write down their experience with State of Slim and how it has been different from other programs.

If I had to name one thing that sets SoS apart, it's that the program focuses on finding your WHY. After all of my research, the single most important factor that directly impacts someone's weight loss is knowing their WHY. I've never seen a person committed to their Why not hit their goal.

Ben has been working out with Chad Singleton at Anscutz Health and Wellness Center

Your "why" is your deeper, internal motivation to lose weight. It's not just so you can fit into a dress for your high school reunion. That's your 'external why.' Your 'internal why' is more than that.  Peel the onion and see what it is that will truly motivate you to lose the weight and change your life. Maybe it's so that you can be the healthy, involved parent that you want to be for your kids or so that you have energy when you're at work to actually hit your goals instead of bottoming out mid-way through the day.

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." 

When I was reading all of the responses, I was struck by Ben's. He's been really successful on SoS and I believe most all of that is because he knows his Why. He agreed to let me share how State of Slim has impacted his life and here's what he had to say:

"State of Slim teaches you that finding a deeper, personal prose-- the WHY of the journey-- is the key to unlocking the desire in your heart to make sweeping changes to better love yourself. 

Combined with common sense princess of nutrition (fuel), managing indulgences, and adding the joy of daily physical motion to your life, you begin an exciting new "Reinvention Journey." 

The routines and rituals learned in the program prepare you for a new life, free of obesity, physical decline, and premature aging, along with a renewed mental vision, life purpose, spiritual joy, and discernment to use what God gave you to help and inspire others."

The quote that I've been living by is: "If I don't stand up for me, who will stand up for me?""

Eye on the prize!

1 comment :

  1. It's not just so you can fit into a dress for your high school reunion. That's your 'external why.' Your 'internal why' is more than that.garcinia cambogia side effects
