Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Extreme Weight Loss: Pearls

We all have a story. And just like we saw in Pearls' Extreme Weight Loss episode last night, when it comes to weight gain, our story is made up of things that have stopped us from living the life that we want. That’s our OLD STORY. And we tend to play it over and over again. We use it as our reasons why we can’t succeed. In the end, that old story gives us an ending that looks something like this:

While we can’t control our circumstances, we can control how we respond to them. By rewriting your story, you produce a different ending. And that’s exactly what Pearls did. Watch my video below as I break down how Pearls' rewrote her story and how you can too!

My Challenge to you this week: think about your old story. Think about the excuses you’ve used over, and over, and over again. Then, decide to rewrite it. Decide you’re not going to use those same excuses. By doing that, you’ll give yourself the power and control to produce a NEW ending. A happy ending. The ending you’ve always wanted. An ending that looks something like this:

If you're ready for your own Extreme Weight Loss, come see me at Anschutz Health & Wellness Center to experience boot camp first-hand! We'll give you the tools you need to get healthy and re-write your story. We're Paying it Forward by offering four SPRI Better Every Day Scholarships to Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot CampTM. The deadline to apply is July 31st. Apply here

"Extreme Weight Loss," "Extreme Weight Loss: Destination Boot Camp" and "Destination Boot Camp" are each a trademark of 3 Ball Entertainment LLC and are used under license. All rights reserved.


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